In the year 2024, there were fierce discussions on social media about the personal life of Bollywood’s famous couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan. There were rumors that both of them had decided to separate. These speculations got strengthened when Aishwarya was seen with her daughter Aaradhya in many public events, but Abhishek remained missing from these events.

However, these rumors were put to rest in the early days of 2025 when Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan and Aaradhya were seen together at the airport.

Bachchan family seen together at the airport

This video is going viral on social media Manav Mangalani Has shared on his Instagram account.

  • In the video, Abhishek Bachchan is seen coming out of the airport.
  • Aishwarya and Aaradhya are seen behind them.
  • The paparazzi requested Abhishek to stop and pose, but Abhishek went straight towards his car.
  • They first made Aaradhya sit in the car and then Aishwarya entered the car.
  • During this, Aishwarya told the paparazzi happy new year Gave.

Manav Mangalani Wrote with this video,

“Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan and Aaradhya spotted together at the airport after New Year celebrations.”

Social media users’ reactions

Social media users reacted strongly to this video.

  • One user wrote,

    “Patched up in the new year.”

  • Said another,

    “These two look absolutely perfect together.”

  • The third wrote sarcastically,

    “Now he will say that he is living like a friend to his daughter.”

  • Some called it a PR stunt and wrote,

    “So the talk of divorce was false?”

Discussion started from Anant Ambani’s marriage

The beginning of these rumors Anant Ambani where Aishwarya had arrived with her daughter Aaradhya, while bachchan family Attended this wedding separately.

  • After this, Aishwarya was seen only with her daughter at many events, which led to a rift between her and Abhishek. Tension The talks started gaining momentum.
  • These incidents raised questions on their relationship and rumors of divorce started flying.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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