A statement by Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi created a stir on Wednesday. “We are now fighting the BJP, the RSS and the Indian polity,” Rahul said in a speech at the inauguration of the new Congress headquarters. On this, many leaders including BJP President JP Nadda, Union Minister Hardeep Puri and Nirmala Sitharaman criticized Rahul Gandhi. Nadda said that Rahul’s remarks have exposed the ‘disgusting truth’ of Congress, while Amit Malviya alleged that Rahul has launched an open war against the Indian state.

Rahul said, “Don’t think that we are fighting a fair battle. There is no fairness in this. If you believe that we are fighting political organizations like BJP and RSS, then you have not understood what is really happening.” He alleged that BJP and RSS have captured every institution of the country and now the fight is not only against political organizations but against the ‘Indian State’.

BJP chief JP Nadda hit back at Rahul’s statements, saying it is no secret that Rahul Gandhi and his supporters have links with urban Naxalites and the ‘deep state’. “Whatever Rahul Gandhi has said is towards breaking India and dividing the society,” he said.

Commenting on Rahul’s comments, Hardeep Puri said that he should get his mental stability checked. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also raised questions, saying, “Why are you carrying a copy of the Constitution in your hand when you say you are fighting the Indian state?”

Rahul also raised questions on the Election Commission in the context of the assembly elections in Maharashtra and Haryana, saying that the Commission is refusing to provide information about those who voted, which is a violation of transparency. He expressed concern over the issue that the arrival of one crore new voters between the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections is suspicious.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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