Narmadapuram (Madhya Pradesh): An RTO team stopped a school bus in Dhanera village near Makhan Nagar in Narmadapuram and checked it. The bus was carrying school staff and children. When the RTO team examined the documents of the bus, they found it running without permit, fitness and pollution certificates. The team confiscated the vehicle and parked it on the premises of the RTO. Its driver was not carrying any licence.  

Earlier, when a vehicle-checking drive was launched, the school authorities informed the RTO team that the bus was not being plied on the road. According to RTO Nisha Chouhan, the school buses will be confiscated if their drivers violate traffic rules. She appealed to the bus operators to keep away from running buses without documents. Chouhan said the drive would continue. The drive has been launched following instructions from collector Sonia Meena.

80 licences made at camp in Bankhedi

RTO Nisha Chouhan organised a camp for driving licences at a government degree college in Bankhedi on Wednesday. The first camp was organised under the patronage of principal Satish Piplauda. The students of the college were very enthusiastic about getting licences. Before making licences, Sanjay Meena told the students how to walk on roads and follow the traffic rules. The students had to take an examination of traffic symbols. Only after they passed it, they were given licences.  Licences of over 80 students were prepared at the camp.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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