Rose plant is a special favorite for flower lovers. But if your rose plants are not producing enough flowers, it is time to improve their care. If you take proper care of these plants during the cold season, they will give abundant flowers. Come, let us know how to take care of rose plants.

Rose Care Tips

1. the sunlight

  • at least daily 6 hours Direct sunlight should fall on the plant. This is extremely essential for the flowering of rose plants.

2. Soil

  • plant soil organic matter It should be full of. Use well-drained soil so that the plant gets adequate nutrition.

3. to water

  • to the rose plant adequate amount of water It is necessary to give. But keep in mind that the soil should not be excessively wet, which can cause the plant to rot. Water the plant more often in hot and dry weather.

4. Sorting

  • regularly Weak and Dead Branches It is necessary to remove. Major pruning of roses is usually done in winter or early spring.

5. deadheading

  • for more flowers withered flowers Delete. This will encourage the production of new flowers.

Other important measures

  1. use of alum
    • a spoon in a jug of water alum Mix and leave overnight. Pour this water on the roots of roses in the morning. Within a few days, buds will start to appear and flowers will start blooming.
  2. cow dung
    • to make the plant grow good fertilizer is needed. In the morning, take out soil from the root of the rose plant and keep it in the sun for a while, then add a handful of Cow dung Insert and fill with soil. Water the plant daily, and flowers will start blooming in a few days.

By adopting these simple tips and remedies, you can make your rose plants healthy and beautiful, which will provide abundant flowers even in cold weather.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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