Mumbai: Late Thursday night, four robbers tried to rob a 25-year-old youth in the Dakshin Express train and killed him. This incident happened in the general coach of the train going to Hazrat Nizamuddin. The robbers also left the deceased’s friend bleeding. A murder took place in a bogie full of tourists, information about which was given to the Railways six hours later. Due to this, the issue of safety of passengers in long distance trains has arisen.
Shashank Raj, a young farm labourer, boarded the Southern Express from Secunderabad to Jhansi with leader friend Kapil Kumar. At around 3 o’clock in the night, both the friends were sleeping near the toilet of the general coach, when a gang of four tried to steal the mobile phone and Rs 1700 from Kapil’s pocket. Meanwhile, Kapil woke up and immediately raised an alarm. At that time the train was near Mancherial station in Telangana. As soon as Kapil shouted, all four robbers attacked him. When Shashank also joined in to save him, all four together started attacking Shashank. The scuffle continued for 30 minutes, after which other passengers of the general coach intervened.
Shashank suffered serious internal injuries in the scuffle with the robbers. After going to the toilet at 6.30 in the morning, he vomited blood and collapsed. At 7.15 pm RPF personnel came to help the injured. Whose information was given by an employee of the pantry car. At that time the train had crossed Wardha station. Later, the train stopped for one and a half hour when it reached Nagpur station at 10.30. Because dead Shashank was taken for Panchnama and a team from the hospital had come to collect forensic evidence. After completing the legal formalities like recording the statement, the train was sent on its way.
Railway officials will give a compensation of Rs 1.5 lakh to the family of the deceased. Also, after investigating the incident, RPF took into custody Syed Sameer (18), Mohammad Hasimuddin (19), M Koteshwar Rao and a minor after crossing Sevagram station on the basis of suspicion. The accused had boarded the train from Secunderabad station and were about to get down at Nagpur.