Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A road Romeo was arrested by police for teasing a woman in the Lasudia area, police said on Tuesday. The accused had been making gestures at the woman for the past few days, and fed up with it, the woman with the help of a Hindu organisation caught him and handed him over to the police.
To teach him a lesson the woman also thrashed the accused with a sandal in the police station premises in full public view.
The video of a woman thrashing the accused went viral on social media. The accused apologized to her.
According to Lasudia police station in-charge Taresh Kumar Soni, a youth named Irshad, a resident of Khajrana area was arrested on the complaint of a woman living in the area. The woman informed the police that whenever she passed from Mahalaxmi Nagar, the accused had been making gestures at her for the past few days. The accused was booked under the relevant section and further investigation is on. It is said that the woman initially ignored the accused but he persisted with his lewd gestures, leaving her no choice but to act against him.