Indian cricket’s rising star Rinku Singh, known for his brilliant batting and historic performances in IPL 2023, is once again in the headlines. But this time the matter is not about cricket, but about his personal life. Recently, news started going viral on social media that Rinku Singh has got engaged with young Samajwadi Party MP Priya Saroj.
This news quickly spread on social media and various platforms, causing a stir among his fans and the cricket world. However, now Rinku Singh’s family has broken their silence in this matter and has revealed the truth.
What is the engagement rumour?
The news that went viral on social media claimed that Rinku Singh and SP MP Priya Saroj got engaged in a private ceremony. Along with these news, some pictures and videos were also shared, in which Rinku Singh and Priya Saroj were seen at the same place.
Due to these rumours, various kinds of speculations started among Rinku Singh’s fans. People wanted to know whether it was true or just a rumour.
The family gave clarification
When these news gained momentum, Rinku Singh’s family spoke openly on the matter. Rinku Singh’s brother told the media, “This news is completely false. Rinku is not engaged with anyone. This is just a rumor spread on social media, which has nothing to do with the truth.”
The family also said that Rinku Singh is currently completely focused on his career and is not paying attention to anything like marriage or engagement.
What did Priya Saroj say?
On the other hand, SP MP Priya Saroj also rejected this rumor and called it completely baseless. He said, “There is nothing like that between me and Rinku Singh. This is just a rumor spread by some people, which people are accepting as true without checking.”
She also said that she respects Rinku Singh, but there is no personal relationship between her and Rinku.
impact of social media
In this era of social media, it does not take long for any rumor to spread. Same thing happened in the case of Rinku Singh and Priya Saroj. Someone spread wrong information about these two, which went viral in no time.
This rumor not only troubled Rinku Singh and his family but also created confusion among the fans.
Rinku Singh’s career and focus
Rinku Singh is currently completely dedicated to making his place in Indian cricket. He performed brilliantly for his team Kolkata Knight Riders in IPL 2023 and won many matches. Especially his five sixes against Gujarat Titans made him an overnight star.
At present Rinku Singh is focusing on his fitness and sports. His family also says that at this important time of his career, he is completely focusing on cricket and does not have time to think about his personal life.
Fans’ reaction
When the news of Rinku Singh’s engagement went viral, a period of excitement and speculation started among her fans. However, when the family revealed the truth, fans heaved a sigh of relief and appreciated Rinku’s decision to focus on her career.
A fan wrote on social media, “We just want to see Rinku Bhai shine in cricket. His personal life is up to him, but right now his focus should be only on cricket.”