Rice and Bread: Rice and bread are foods that people like to eat all over India. Both things are eaten together in many states including Gujarat. In our country, both bread and rice are served regularly in lunch. There is no doubt that both these things are full of nutrients in different ways and also benefit the body. But when both these things are eaten together, it can harm the body.


Many health experts say that rice and bread should not be eaten together. Eating both these things together increases the risk of some diseases. Nowadays, the lifestyle of people has also become such that eating rice and bread regularly increases the risk of developing many diseases.


Both roti and rice have different nutrients. If these two things are eaten together, then it first affects the digestive system. Eating both these things together can also increase sugar level. If both these things are eaten separately, then they provide the benefits shown below.


Benefits of eating bread

There are many benefits of eating bread. For example, the fiber in the bread is abundant, so eating it does not make you feel hunger for hours, that is, your stomach is full for a long time. Bread provides nutrients including protein and fiber to the body. The biggest advantage of bread is that eating it does not increase blood sugar levels rapidly.


Benefits of eating rice

Rice is rich in carbohydrates. Eating it gives you energy immediately. Rice also has more starch. Therefore it ends faster than bread. Rice contains water soluble vitamins which are beneficial for the body.

Why not eat rice and bread together?

Bread and rice have different nutrition. If they are eaten together, the first problem can be indigestion. If rice and bread are eaten regularly together, there is a risk of stomach related diseases. That is why experts say that it is best to eat bread and rice separately, because it benefits the body. If you eat bread and rice together, it becomes a heavy food that the body has to make more efforts to digest and it can also cause problems like gas and constipation.


Eating bread and rice together can cause imbalance to blood sugar levels. If it is mixed with bread and rice, then its glycemic index increases. Therefore, blood sugar levels may increase rapidly after eating this food. Therefore, people who have diabetes should not accidentally eat bread and rice together.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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