Russian Youth Retirement: Retirement is seen to be associated with old age. Except for some exceptions, the retirement age in most businesses is usually fixed at 50 years, followed by 55, 58, 60 and 65 years. At the same time, if a person retires at the age of 40, he is considered lucky. Amidst all this, a case has also come up where a person got retirement at the age of just 23. Now they will continue to get pension throughout their life. The same happened to a young man from Russia.

Russia’s young man gets retirement at the age of 23

The young Russian succeeded in doing something like which most of us can only dream. Retiring with full pension at the age of 23. At the age of 16, Pavel Stepchenco attended the school of the Ministry of Ministry of Internal Affairs as a student and retired by the age of 23 and became the youngest pensioner in the country.

Started working at the age of 16

This is the story of Russia’s Powell Stepchenco. He enrolled in the educational institution of the Ministry of Russian internal affairs at the age of 16 and after a five -year study, he started working in the regional department of the system of internal affairs.


Now you will get pension throughout life.

The Donnetsk young man worked there for only two years as he officially retired at the age of 23. Taking full advantage of a special provision, a person gets a three -month sentence for each month of service during the period of martial law. On November 28, 2023, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, Pavel Stepchenco applied for retirement and was awarded full pension for the period of service.

Name included in Russia’s record book

This unusual record was officially confirmed by experts at the International Record Registration Agency Interricard and recorded in the Russian Record Register. The national registrar of excellent achievements is also known as the Russian Book of Records. For many people, Stepachnco’s early retirement is nothing more than one discrepancy, but according to the state-control Russian media, it is a proof of the flexibility and abilities of the social security system in Russia.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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