Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A retired army officer from MP’s Gwalior was duped of Rs 10 lakh in an online fraud. The scammer posed as an employee of Axis Bank and requested he open a file he sent. On opening the file, his Axis account was hacked, and a sum of 10 lakh rupees was taken from his account.

The incident took place on Tuesday. On Tuesday night, the victim filed a complaint at the Cyber Cell in the Maharaj Pura police station. Police have lodged an FIR into the matter, and further investigations are underway.

According to information, the victim is identified as Shatrughan Singh Tomar, son of Vasudev Singh Tomar, a resident of Shatabdipuram, Gwalior. Tomar was retired from the Army in October ’24 and has had an account in Axis Bank since ’06. On Tuesday, Tomar received a call from an unknown number. The man, posing as an ‘Axis Bank employee,’ informed Tomar that he has some investment opportunities and he has sent Tomar a PDF regarding the same.

Tomar, not knowing that the PDF was treated, opened the document on his request. As soon as he opened the document, his phone got hacked. The screen started flashing, and some issues started to pop up. As he realised that he had been hacked, he switched his phone off and contacted the branch manager of his bank.

Rs 10 lakh 40 thousand stolen

Tomar requested the bank manager to shut his account as soon as possible to prevent any fraud. But, to his ill fortune, the scammers managed to extract money from his account. When Tomar switched his phone on, he saw a message saying Rs 10 lakh 40 thousand has been debited. As soon as he saw this message, he quickly filed a complaint at the cyber cell. A case has been registered, and further investigation is underway.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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