Sahar: Holy Cross Desecration Near Airport Sparks Outrage Among Residents | Representational Image

Mumbai: Residents of Sahar have complained to the Mumbai police about the desecration of a Holy Cross near the city airport’s international terminal on December 31.

Citizens’ group, the Watchdog Foundation, said that locals had seen miscreants consuming alcohol in the vicinity of the crucifix and subsequently smashing the bottles in the compound. This act of desecration is deeply offensive to the sentiments of the Christian community and constitutes a blatant disrespect toward a place of worship, the group said.

The organisation has urged the police to identify and arrest the accused persons and file criminal charges against them for desecration and violation of religious sentiments.

The group also asked the police to enhance patrolling in the area to prevent such incidents in the future and uphold communal harmony and the sanctity of places of worship.

Mumbai: Sri Sankara Mattham Conducts Sacred Homams for Universal Peace and Prosperity on New Year's Day

Mumbai: Sri Sankara Mattham Conducts Sacred Homams for Universal Peace and Prosperity on New Year’s Day | Photo

Mumbai: Sri Sankara Mattham Conducts Sacred Homams For Universal Peace And Prosperity On New Year’s Day

To celebrate the new year, and to pray for universal peace and prosperity, Sri Sankara Mattham, Matunga, conducted Atharvaseersha Maha Ganapathi homam, Vishwa Shanti homam, Lakshmi Kubera homam, Nakshatra shanti and Navagraha homams.

Mumbai: Sri Sankara Mattham Conducts Sacred Homams for Universal Peace and Prosperity on New Year's Day

Mumbai: Sri Sankara Mattham Conducts Sacred Homams for Universal Peace and Prosperity on New Year’s Day | File Photo

Sri Sankara Mattham said that devotees go temples on the first day of the year, and most of the temples conduct homams (fire rituals) and these are considered more sacred and superior to other forms of prayers. Navagraha plays a major role in our lives and worship of the Grahas by doing “Shanti homam” will mitigate our day to day sufferings and problems said S Sivasubramanian, secretary of Shankara Mattham. Similarly Lord Kubera and Goddess Lakshmi bestows blessings on devotees by way of wealth and prosperity.

Project Mumbai has invited volunteers to join it’s events in January.

The month’s projects include Jalosh, a beach-cleanup event, an organ donation campaign, a fire-safety workshop, and a readers’ meet. There will also be weekly plastic and e-waste recycling events. The organisers will provide equipment and other supplies for the events. Citizens who want to volunteer for the events can visit

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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