Drinking enough water throughout the day is very important for the body, but when there are problems of repeated thirst, it can be a sign of a serious health problem. If you experience the throat drying up again and again even after drinking water, do not ignore it. It can point to some disease hidden in the body. Let us know which diseases can be responsible for excessive thirst.
1) Diabetes
If you feel dry throat throughout the day and feel thirsty again and again, it can be a symptom of diabetes.
- In diabetes, the kidney has to work more hard to remove excess sugar from blood, which causes more fluid from the body.
- As a result, thirst seems more and there is a problem of passing urine again and again.
2) Anemia (anemia)
Anemia, that is, lack of red blood cells in the body, can cause frequent thirst.
- This problem is caused by wrong eating, health problems or heavy blood loss.
- In critical condition, the throat starts drying up again and again.
3) Digestive problems
If your digestion is not correct, the body feels the need for more water.
- The body needs more water to digest fried and spicy foods.
- Due to this, thirst remains even after drinking water again and again.
4) Dry mouth (dry mouth)
Dry mouth problem reduces the construction of saliva in the mouth, causing the throat and lips to dry up.
- This is usually caused by consuming more medicines or their side effects.
- If this problem persists even after drinking water, contact the doctor.
5) Hyperycaliamia
Hypercalciamia, ie excessive amounts of calcium in the blood, can also be the cause of frequent thirst.
- The reason for this may be: over active parathyroid gland, TB, or cancer (eg lung, kidney, breast).
- In this situation it is necessary to seek medical advice immediately.
What to do?
If the problem of repeated thirst persists, do not take it lightly. Contact the doctor for understanding your condition and for proper treatment.