Bihar Sharif, 4th December (Hindustan Reporter). Nalanda District Magistrate Shashank Shubhankar on Tuesday took stock of the production of 50 lakh fish seeds in Mohanpur Fish Hatchery located in Silav block. During this, he thoroughly examined the facilities, functioning and problems of the hatchery. The District Magistrate talked to the operator and employees of the hatchery, listened to their problems and assured them of their solution.

During the inspection, the District Magistrate reviewed the cleanliness and safety measures in the hatchery. He said that fish farming industry in Nalanda district is extremely important for the local economy and employment. The climate and water resources here are ideal for fish farming, due to which this sector has become a major source of employment. Director of Mohanpur Fish Hatchery, Shivanandan Prasad alias Shivji informed that this year the hatchery has produced more than 50 lakh fish seeds. Has done, which is a new record.

He said that high quality fish seeds are produced in the hatchery with the help of modern technology and trained staff. These seeds are used for fish farming throughout the state. The District Magistrate congratulated the staff and officials of Mohanpur Fish Hatchery on this achievement and described it as a new beginning for the fish farming sector of Nalanda district. He has assured to provide necessary support for promoting fish seed production and regional development.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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