Telugu actor Allu Arjun was arrested on Friday morning from his residence in Hyderabad in connection with a stampede that occurred during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre, resulting in the death of a woman named Revathy. Now, actor Raza Murad has come out in support of Arjun after his arrest.

Speaking to ANI, the actor said, “A stampede occurred, a person died and people were injured. What was the fault of the actor? The responsibility of the theatre is not in the hands of actor. Crowd control is not an actor’s job. If that is the reason for the arrest, it is beyond my understanding…I am surprised.”

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“It is not a crime to be popular or to work in hit films. Actor doesn’t gather a crowd. Crowd gathers due to the popularity of a film, of an actor…If there is any other reason, I can’t speak about that. If he has been arrested, that should be investigated too—why was he arrested, what was the reason. There should be a concrete reason.”

Earlier, Varun Dhawan also supported Allu Arjun after his arrest. At Baby John’s promotions in Jaipur, the actor said, “The actor cannot take the sole responsibility of the safety protocols. You can only tell the people around you…The incident was tragic. I express my condolences but at the same time, you cannot blame only one person for this.”

After Allu Arjun’s arrest, Revathi’s husband, Bhaskar stated that the actor has nothing to do with the stampede and he is ready to withdraw his case. “I am ready to withdraw the case. I was not aware of the arrest and Allu Arjun has nothing to do with the stampede in which my wife passed away,” he said.

Bhaskar added, “My son wanted to see the film and our family went to the theater. There is no fault of Allu Arjun. Police didn’t inform me about the arrest.”

Allu Arjun has been sent to 14-day judicial custody and will be lodged in the Chanchalguda jail.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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