Actor Ravi Kishan, who has worked in both Hindi and Bhojpuri cinema, revealed that he loved to perform on the stage since a very young age, and once, when he was in his teens, he was thrashed by his father for playing Goddess Sita in Ramleela.

Ravi appeared on Shubhankar Mishra’s podcast wherein he recalled how he was aged 14-15 when the incident happened. He shared that he would always participate in the local Ramleela, and one fine year, he bagged the role of Goddess Sita.

“I had taken my mother’s saree. Along with a few more people, I was rehearsing my role all day. My father came to know about it and when I returned home he beat me up with a leather belt,” he recalled.

He went on to say, “I remember, the way he whipped me, my skin had almost peeled off. It felt like he had decided to silence me that night.”

Ravi revealed that the same night, his mother gave him Rs 500 and asked me to elope or his father would “kill” him. “She thought I’ll be killed that day so she asked me to run away. I was around 14-15 years old when I came to Mumbai in those situations,” he shared.

Ravi Kishan marked his acting debut in 1992 with the film, Pitambar, and since then, there has been no looking back for him. He has starred in nearly 100 movies, shows and web series, both in Hindi as well as Bhojpuri industries.

He has also dabbled in politics and in 2014, he contested the general elections on a Congress ticket from Jaunpur constituency in Uttar Pradesh. In 2017, he left Congress and joined the BJP.

He currently serves as Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Gorakhpur.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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