The attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan in his own house has shocked everyone. Late night, a thief entered Saif’s house and attacked him, in which he got injured at many places. Saif was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, where his treatment is going on. This incident has shaken not only his fans but also many Bollywood stars. In such a situation, Raveena Tandon has also given her reaction on this matter.

Raveena Tandon expressed her displeasure

Raveena Tandon expressed her displeasure over this attack by sharing a post on Twitter. Talking about the insecurity of an area like Bandra, he wrote, “Targeting celebrities and soft targets in a safe residential area has now become a common thing. This incident is happening on a large scale. Anti-social elements, accident scams, hawker mafia, encroachers, land mafia and criminals are increasing in Bandra. There is a need to take strict steps here. I wish you (Saif) a speedy recovery.”

Ibrahim took his father to the hospital

After the incident, Saif Ali Khan was taken to Lilavati Hospital by his son Ibrahim Ali Khan and a caretaker around 3 am. Apart from Raveena, Mamta Kulkarni, Parineeti Chopra, Jr NTR and many other stars have reacted to the incident.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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