Raveena Tandon’s daughter Rasha Thadani is all set to mark her Bollywood debut with the upcoming film, Azaad, and looks like she has managed to impress netizens even before the release of the film. On Saturday, the makers dropped the desi party number from the film titled Uyi Amma, and Rasha’s moves in the song won hearts of the viewers.
Sung by Madhubanti Bagchi, Uyi Amma shows Rasha performing some sizzling yet desi moves in the middle of hundreds of gun-wielding men. The song garnered almost 2 million views within a few hours, and netizens lauded the 19-year-old actress for her confident moves and expressions.
Netizens also compared Rasha to Katrina Kaif in the song Chikni Chameli, and claimed that her screen presence was better than the other star kids on the block. “Junior Raveena. Rasha has the expressions and dancing skills of her mother,” a user commented, while another wrote, “She seems like the next Katrina Kaif”.
A user commented, “She looks like Katrina from Chikni Chameli”, and another mentioned, “Rasha Thadani like new version Katrina”.
Meanwhile, Rasha will mark her Bollywood debut with Aaman Devgn, who happens to be Ajay Devgn’s nephew.
Set in pre-independence India, Azaad features Ajay Devgn as a skilled horse rider who has a deep connection with his horse. In a dramatic turn of events, Ajay faces off against the harsh English armies and, during the chaos, his beloved horse goes missing. The responsibility of finding the lost horse falls on Aaman’s character.
Rasha plays a character from a royal family, and the film also stars Diana Penty, who will be seen playing the role of Ajay’s love interest in the film.
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, Azaad is scheduled to hit the big screens in January 2025.