Actor Ram Kapoor has recently been in the headlines for his tremendous transformation and controversial statement. He has lost 55 kg in 18 months, due to which his fitness journey is getting appreciated. Meanwhile, Ram spoke openly on the controversial 17-minute long intimate scene of his famous show ‘Bade Achhe Lagte Hain’. This scene was shot between Ram Kapoor and Sakshi Tanwar, which created quite a stir at that time.

Ekta Kapoor’s trust

Ram Kapoor revealed in an interview to Siddharth Kannan that this scene was filmed on the demand of the show’s producer Ekta Kapoor. He said:

“Ekta had full confidence in this scene. He felt it was important to do it and he had full faith in me and Sakshi as well.”

Permission was taken from Gautami Kapoor

Ram told that before doing this scene he talked to his wife Gautami Kapoor. He said:

“I asked Gautami if I could do this scene. He clearly told me that this decision should be mine. If I feel it’s the right thing to do, I do it.”

Consent taken from Sakshi Tanwar

Ram Kapoor also discussed this scene with Sakshi Tanwar. He told:

“I asked Sakshi if she was comfortable with this scene. I said that if she feels uncomfortable, I can talk to Ekta and get it cancelled. But Sakshi agreed to the scene.”

Sakshi’s father’s reaction

Ram also told in the interview that he had talked to Sakshi Tanwar’s father before the scene.

“Sakshi’s father’s reaction was very special for me. He told me, ‘Ram, it is you, so everything is fine.’ His trust in me was truly extraordinary.”

There was a ruckus on the scene

This scene of ‘Bade Achhe Lagte Hain’ had created a lot of controversy at that time. A section of the audience called it inappropriate in the show. However, Ekta Kapoor and team had described this scene as an important part of the story.

Ram Kapoor’s fitness transformation

Apart from intimate scenes, Ram Kapoor is also in the news for his transformation. He has lost 55 kg weight in 18 months. Regarding his fitness journey, he told that for this he made diet, workout and discipline a part of his life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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