Pushpa 2 Movie Ticket Prices: Tollywood icon star Allu Arjun’s film ‘Pushpa 2’ is hitting the theaters. The film Pushpa 2 has earned Rs 125 crore at the box office even before its release. Not only this, there is every possibility that the first day box office collection will cross Rs 250 crore. In which up to 3000 tickets are being sold in Mumbai. In which there is a dispute regarding the ticket price, the tweet of film maker Ram Gopal Varma is going viral. Like millions of fans, Ram also likes Allu Arjun a lot. According to him, it is normal for movie tickets to be so expensive. This is not a matter of sitting in an ordinary hot pot and eating idli. If you do not want to eat expensive 7 star idli then do not go because this is not a necessity but entertainment.

What did filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma say?
Ram Gopal Varma explained the complete mathematics of expensive tickets of Pushpa 2 movie by giving the example of hotel and idli. While sharing a post on the social media medium ‘X’, he wrote, ‘A person named Subbarao has opened an Idli Hotel and has kept the price of a plate of Idli at Rs 1000. Subbarao charges so much because he believes that Vadi Idli is better than other Idlis. But if a customer does not like Subbarao’s Idli then he will not go to Subbarao’s hotel. This will harm only Subbarao and no one else.

Films are also made for profit, not for public service.

Writing further, ‘If someone shouts that Subbarao’s Idli is out of the reach of the common man, it is as stupid as shouting that a 7 star hotel is out of the reach of the common man. In the case of Pushpa 2, it is a 7 star rated film. Movies, like all products, are made for profit, not for public service. Then why are they crying over the cost of luxury cars, palatial buildings, branded clothes and movie tickets?’


Ram Gopal Varma wrote, Pushpa 2 is going housefull. This film is not wild fire, but world fire. Along with this, Allu called Arjun a megastar. So whenever Allu hits the theatres, it takes the box office by storm.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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