Game Changer Box Office Collection Day 4: Shankar’s Game Changer starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani was expected to make a strong mark at the box office. But, clearly that has not happened. The movie took a good opening of Rs. 51 crore, and it was expected that further it will show a jump over the weekend or at least stay stable. However, on Saturday and Sunday, the film dropped, and during its first weekend, the movie only collected Rs. 88.50 crore.

On Sunday, Game Changer collected Rs. 15.90 crore (all languages), and it was expected that Monday the film might drop further. The movie has dropped to single digit and has approx. collected Rs. 7.61 crore, taking the four-day total to Rs. 96.11 crore. While the collection is surely not great, the movie is expected to enter the Rs. 100 crore club today.

It is Pongal and Makar Sankranti (Partial Holiday) today, so maybe the Ram Charan starrer will get a boost at the box office. A double digit would surely be a good number for the movie. So, let’s wait and watch if today Game Changer will show a jump or not.

Game Changer is the first big pan-India release of the year. It was expected that the movie will do a good business at the box office in the Hindi belt also as Ram Charan had left a mark with his last release as a lead, RRR. The Hindi version of the movie has done a decent business of approx. 24.73 crore in four days which is decent. However, the overall collection is surely a bit dull, and a good boost today can help the movie to get better numbers.

Talking about upcoming movies of Ram Charan, the actor has RC16 lined up which will be directed by Buchi Babu Sana and produced by Mythri Movie Makers. It is said to be a sports drama, and it also stars Janhvi Kapoor in the lead role. The movie will mark Janhvi’s second Telugu outing.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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