South star Ram Charan is all set for the release of Game Changer, directed by S. Shankar, where he stars alongside Kiara Advani in the lead. At the trailer launch event in Mumbai, Ram opened up about his experience on working with SS Rajamouli in RRR and S. Shankar in Game Changer. “S Shankar is the first pan-India filmmaker in the truest sense of the word. His attention to detail is incredible. If your look changes even by 5 per cent to what is being used as a reference, he would cross-check, notice, and analyse! Both SS Rajamouli and Shankar are taskmaster.”

“They will keep you on your toes if you are working with them. Even if they are working with greats such as Rajinikanth or Kamala Haasan or even with me, they would not hesitate to get things right and remain the same (despite the superstardom and popularity; such things don’t affect their functioning),” said Ram Charan.

Impressive and sharp as always with his style as indeed with his words, Ram Charan was addressing the media and fans of Aamchi Mumbai. “I remember when Shankar had made 3 idiots in Telugu, I was invited as the chief guest at an event. Ever since then, I wanted to work with him. So, when the opportunity presented itself to work with him I couldn’t believe it! In our first meeting itself, he looked at me and started touching me to get my hair right, then he started matching my look with the reference look in the iPad, there was barely any difference, but even a difference of five per cent he could spot. This goes to show the intensity and the passion with which these men work,” stressed Ram Charan.

“We were in Dallas, USA, and the response there was truly incredible (12,000 people gathered at the venue). They form a major share of the revenue generated for our cinema. People there have their love and support, and they truly love cinema for what it is,” concluded Ram.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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