New Delhi: Direct Rajdhani Express and other trains may start operating between New Delhi and Srinagar in the new year. The work of laying railway track between Katra and Sangaldan has been completed. This project was being run in two phases, in which in the first phase, CRS inspection of the track between Reasi and Sangaldan has also been completed. In the second phase, track has also been laid between Reasi and Katra. CRS inspection of this route is to be conducted on January 5. After the NOC from CRS, there is every possibility that trains will start operating on this route in the new year. With this, Srinagar and New Delhi will be connected to the railway track and Rajdhani Express will also start running on this route. Chief Public Relations Officer of Northern Railway, Himanshu Shekhar Upadhyay said that the work of laying track on the 17 kilometer route between Katra and Reasi has been completed, after which the further program will be decided on the basis of their report. If any deficiency is pointed out, it will have to be rectified and then re-examination will be done, only after that NOC will be given.

However, Upadhyay said that there is every possibility that trains will start running on this track in the beginning of the new year. In fact, to connect the state capitals through trains, the project to connect Jammu and Kashmir’s capital Srinagar with New Delhi through railway tracks has been completed.

There were 6 projects on this entire route-

-Baramulla to Qazigund, 118 km track started in 2009

-Qazigund to Banihal, 18 km track started in 2013

-Udhampur to Katra, 25 km track, completed in 2014

-Banihal to Sangaldan, 48 km track, will be completed in February 2024

-Sangaldan to Reasi, 46 km track, CRS has given green signal in June 2024, but train operation has not started yet.

-Reasi to Katra, 17 kilometer track work has been completed, which is yet to be inspected by CRS.

Right now flight is the only option for Srinagar

Trains continue to operate from New Delhi to Katra. Trains are running between Baramulla and Sangaldan. Now the work of both the railway projects between Sangaldan and Katra has been completed, on which when the trains start running, Baramulla and Srinagar will be directly connected to New Delhi. People will be able to go to Srinagar by train. At present, the only better option for people to go to Srinagar is by plane, which is quite expensive.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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