Mumbai: South’s top director SS Rajamouli’s new film is going to be launched tomorrow on January 2. This film is being known as SSMB29. Film fans are keeping an eye on tomorrow’s launch. People are waiting to know whether the exact title of the film will be announced or not. Even more speculation is whether Priyanka Chopra has been declared the heroine of this film or not. There are speculations that Priyanka is making a comeback in Indian cinema after a long time with this film. But, people close to Rajamouli are not ready to confirm anything about this. According to him, it is certain that the hero of the film will be Maheshbabu. But the casting of the remaining actors has not been done yet. According to the speculations going on in the southern circles, Prithviraj Sukumaran is also playing an important role in the film.

Rajamouli has organized a puja for the project launch tomorrow. Formal shooting will begin after a few months.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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