Shilpa Shetty’s husband and businessman Raj Kundra is on the ED radar. The ED on Friday raided his house and office in connection with a money laundering probe related to making and distributing obscene videos through mobile apps. Raj Kundra has now reacted to the ED raid and requested his wife to stay away from the matter.

Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty’s husband and businessman Raj Kundra is once again in trouble. In the pornography network case, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided Raj Kundra’s house and office on Friday. After the ED raid, Raj Kundra has now broken his silence and has requested wife Shilpa Shetty not to bring him into this case. Let us know what Raj Kundra has to say on the ED raid?

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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