New Delhi – Congress leader Rahul Gandhi suddenly stopped in Sonepat, Haryana on Saturday morning. Here he planted paddy in the fields with the farmers and also plowed the fields by driving a tractor. During this, along with the farmers and farm laborers, Rahul also had breakfast sitting with the farmers, along with talks on agriculture.
Rahul Gandhi was going from Delhi to Shimla. He reached Kundli border on GT Road. So, a program was made to come among the farmers. And turned to the rural area of Sonipat. Rahul Gandhi passing through NH 48. They have left for Gohana via bypass from Quran Road. After this, he deviated from his route and reached Madina village of Baroda assembly constituency, about 50 km away, at around 6:30 am.
After about 2 hours in Madina village, Rahul Gandhi left at 8:40, while returning he changed the dress at Gohana PWD guest house and then proceeded to Sonipat.
Congress MLA from Baroda Hindu Raj Narwal and Gohana MLA Jagbir Malik also reached there as soon as they came to know about Rahul’s stay at Sonipat farm. The men said that they had no information about Rahul’s arrival. But as soon as he came to know about it from the villagers, he went to meet him.
Congress MLA from Gohana Jagbir Malik said that the area is fortunate. That Rahul Gandhi has reached here. And here we are seeing what is the method of farming in a village, in what way the farmer meditates. Do they have any problem with this? Rahul Gandhi had reached among all of us to see all this.
Rahul had reached farmer Sanjay’s farm in Madina village. When Rahul came, farmers and laborers were planting paddy together. When Rahul was coming towards the farm with security. So no one could recognize him from a distance. However, as soon as he came closer, he recognized Rahul.
Village Madina is a part of Baroda rural constituency of Sonipat. Induraj Narwal alias Bhalu of Congress is currently the MLA from Baroda Constituency. He defeated BJP’s Yogeshwar Dutt in the by-election. The entire Baroda region is a Congress bastion and is adjacent to Rohtak, the home constituency of former CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda.
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