Rahu-Ketu transit 2025: Rahu and Ketu planets also have a special place in astrology. In astrology, these planets are considered illusory and sinful planets. Rahu and Ketu will change zodiac signs in the year 2025. On May 18, 2025, Rahu will enter from Pisces to Aquarius and Ketu from Virgo to Leo. According to astrology, when these two planets bless someone, his luck shines. In the year 2025, Rahu and Ketu will change the zodiac signs and give equal benefits to the people of 5 zodiac signs. So let us tell you which are these 5 lucky zodiac signs.
Rahu and Ketu will benefit these 5 zodiac signs
The year 2025 is going to be auspicious for Aries people. There may be sudden financial gain. There will be progress in career. Will get support from family. Interest in religious activities will increase. The pending work will be completed. There will be happiness in life.
People with Gemini zodiac sign may also get good news in the year 2025. The situation at home will be strong. Paths of progress will open. There will be less discord. There may also be a possibility of traveling abroad. Possibility of vehicle happiness. May the new year be filled with happiness.
The transit of Rahu and Ketu will be beneficial for the people of Scorpio zodiac. Auspicious works can be completed. This can also be a marriage combination. You will have to work hard but the benefits will be great. There may be an opportunity to buy property or vehicle. The economic situation will be strong. Employed people may get promotion.
People with Capricorn sign will get the fruits of their hard work. With the blessings of Rahu and Ketu, financial gains will be good. Travels will increase in the new year. Relations with family will be good. There will be stability in life. Time is beneficial.
Time is also beneficial for Pisces people. You will get a new opportunity at the workplace. There may be expenditure on auspicious work. Employed people will get success. The pending work will be completed. There is also a possibility of traveling abroad. Happiness will increase in life