Actress Radhika Apte took her fans by surprise after she flaunted her baby bump at the BFI London Film Festival, while announcing her first pregnancy with husband Benedict Taylor. While she did not share an official announcement on the birth of her baby, earlier today, December 13th, she shared the first-ever photo with her newborn child on social media.

Radhika wrote, “First work meeting back after birth with our one week old at my breast #breastfeeding #mothersatwork #averybeautifulchapter #bliss @benedmusic.” While the gender of the baby was not officially announced, Apte’s friend Sarah Afzal, whom she follows on Instagram, commented, “My best girls,” confirming that the actress has welcomed a baby girl.

Check out the photo:

Earlier, in an interview with ETimes, Radhika Apte shared that she initially had no plans for an official announcement as she wanted to keep her pregnancy private. She revealed that she was in ‘denial’ for two weeks after learning about her pregnancy and shared that she and her husband never planned to have children.

Further, she revealed hat during her first trimester, she was working on 2 projects, but had a bad experience as one of the project was not pregnancy-friendly, and that the people involved were also not very supportive.

She added, “The first trimester I was having such a hard time. I had terrible bloating. I was terribly constipated. I had nausea. I was filming at 40 degrees for three months straight. I was having a meltdown all the time. And people were telling me you need to be happy because you’re having a child.”

On work front, Radhika’s latest project is Sister Midnight and was directed by Karan Kandhari. 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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