A video of former Indian cricketer Vinod Kambli went viral last month, in which he looked very weak during a program organized in the memory of coach Ramakant Achrekar in Mumbai. He was having difficulty standing on his feet and became emotional holding the hand of his childhood friend Sachin Tendulkar. Kambli later had to be hospitalized, due to which his condition deeply affected people.
After watching this video, India’s star badminton player PV Sindhu also became emotional. While talking about this, he shared an important lesson, which can be very useful for young players.
Sindhu told NDTV India, “I saw Vinod Kambli’s video. It is very important that you manage your money wisely. You will have to make good investments, which will help you in future. There should be no wasteful expenditure.” He further said, “You should pay your taxes, it is very important. If you don’t do this, you may get into trouble. My parents manage me and my husband takes care of my investments. So far, I have not had any financial struggles and I am grateful for that.”
Sindhu also commented that she got a little emotional after watching Kambli’s video. He said, “Such moments come in life. You need to be careful and have people with the right guidance.”
Speaking to the media recently after being discharged from the hospital, Kambli appealed to the people to stay away from alcohol and drugs. He said that bad habits can ruin someone’s life. Kambli has been battling alcohol-related and other health problems for a long time. He has scored 2477 and 1084 runs in 104 ODIs and 17 Test matches respectively for India.