South superstar Allu Arjun’s film Pushpa 2 has made many records even before its release. Advance booking of the film is going on in full swing and now news is coming out that around 10 lakh tickets of the film have been sold. If we look at this figure, the film will earn around Rs 50 crore on the first day. However, during this time Allu Arjun started crying bitterly. What happened that Allu could not stop the tears in his eyes, let us tell you. Apart from this, the film has broken 5 big records even before its release.

The film will earn Rs 50 crore on the first day!

This film, which will be released in theaters on December 5, has crossed the 10 lakh mark in terms of advance ticket booking. According to media reports, if we talk about entire India and abroad, it is estimated from the ticket figures of the film that the film will cross the mark of Rs 50 crore on its first day. With this the film became the first Telugu film to do so.

Kalki has left Baahubali behind

Allu Arjun’s film has left even the blockbuster films behind in terms of ticket sales. This film has broken the records of ‘Kalki 2898AD’, ‘Bahubali 2’. Allu Arjun’s film is getting excellent response from the audience in America. In this matter also, this film has broken the records of many films.

Record of the biggest Hindi film

The film will be released on approximately 11,500 screens, making it the biggest Hindi film of all time. With the release of this film, big records are going to be broken.

Allu Arjun’s tears started flowing

South’s stylish superstar Allu Arjun got emotional when ‘Pushpa 2’ director Sukumar praised him at a pre-release event in Hyderabad. On Monday, Allu Arjun and Sukumar attended a promotional event in the presence of a large number of fans. On this occasion, both of them talked about the film ‘Pushpa 2’ and shared their thoughts towards each other. His video is currently going viral on social media.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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