Allu Arjun’s much awaited film ‘Pushpa 2’ is performing brilliantly at the box office. The film has made strong collections even on the 27th day of its release. At this pace the film may soon cross the Rs 1200 crore mark. Let us know about the collection of 27th day and the figures till now.
27th day box office collection
As per Sacnilk report, Pushpa 2 made a total business of Rs 7.65 crore on the fourth Tuesday. The details of the collection in different languages are as follows:
- Hindi: 6.25 crores
- Telugu: 1.17 crore
- Tamil: 0.2 crore
- Kannada: 0.02 crore
- Malayalam: 0.01 crore
Total Collection: Rs 1171.45 crore (27 days).
These figures are not official but if the reports prove to be true, the film will soon touch the Rs 1200 crore mark.
performance so far
- Day 26: Rs 6.8 crore.
- Day 25 (Sunday): Rs 15.65 crore.
- The film’s collection is also overshadowing other releases.
- The reign of Pushpa 2 continues from the first day of its release.
Story and performance of the film
Allu Arjun has won the hearts of the audience with the character of Pushpa Raj in the film. The story revolves around Pushpa Raj’s struggle to fulfill the wishes of his family and wife. Strong action and emotions have made it a blockbuster.
Rashmika Mandanna has done an excellent job in the role of Pushpa Raj’s wife Shrivalli. The film’s director Sukumar left no stone unturned to make it grand.
Preparing to join the Rs 1200 crore club
Looking at the pace at which the film is continuing to perform, it would not be wrong to say that Pushpa 2 will soon join the Rs 1200 crore club. This achievement will make the film one of the biggest hits of Indian cinema.
Reason for the success of Pushpa 2
- Strong story and excellent direction.
- Great performance by Allu Arjun.
- A great combination of music, action and emotions.
Pushpa 2 is maintaining its reign and winning the hearts of the audience. If you have not seen this film yet, it is definitely worth watching.