Every day, about 90 such petitions are received in the Punjab and Haryana High Court, in which lovers who run away from home and get married demand protection. In view of the increasing number of such cases, the bench of Justice Sandeep Mudgil has issued 12 guidelines, so that the police and administration can deal with such cases on priority. The bench said that this can save the court about 4 hours per day, which are spent in hearing such petitions.
Made clear the role of police and administration
- Determination of Responsibility:
The High Court made it clear that in such cases the first step should be taken by the police and administration.- Police should immediately provide shelter and security.
- The court should be seen as the last resort.
- Appointment of Nodal Officer:
- A nodal officer will be deployed at every district headquarters.
- The rank of the officer should not be below ASI (Assistant Sub-Inspector).
- This system will be applicable in Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh.
Initiative to save court time
- Current Status:
- The High Court said that it takes 4 hours to hear such petitions every day.
- The court is already burdened with old and pending cases.
- Objective of the Guidelines:
- Resolving these cases at the initial level through police and administration.
- Using court time to resolve pending cases.
protection of constitutional rights
- Importance of Article 21:
- Article 21 of the Constitution gives every person the right to life and personal liberty.
- If someone’s life is in danger due to a love marriage or a decision related to it, then it is the responsibility of the administration to provide them security.
- Role of the Court:
- The court said that constitutional courts are there to provide citizens with their protection and rights.
- But going directly to court in every case is not the solution to the problem.
Impact of Guidelines
- The burden on the court will reduce:
- After the implementation of the guidelines, cases will be resolved at the primary level through the police and administration.
- Court time will be used to resolve pending cases.
- Relief for loving couples:
- Such couples will get immediate protection and shelter.
- They will not need to go to court again and again.