The Pune Railway Division recorded 444 passenger fatalities due to accidents involving falls from trains, being struck by trains or slipping from platforms in 2024. Another 167 passengers sustained injuries in these incidents.

As per the official data by the Railway Protection Force (RPF), 611 cases of accidents were reported in 2024. However, this is a 13 per cent decrease compared to the 692 cases recorded in 2023.

Priyanka Sharma, Senior Divisional Security Commissioner, Pune Division, Central Railway, said, “In Pune Railway Division, more than 50 railway stations have implemented several safety initiatives such as awareness programmes, installation of signboards, boundary walls and CCTV cameras etc.”

“Awareness programmes for passenger safety have been held at approximately 864 locations in the Pune division. Moreover, at many places, boundary walls have been constructed along railway tracks to curb unauthorised entry. Additionally, warning boards and symbols have also been installed at hotspot locations,” he added.

In 2024, RPF personnel saved seven passengers’ lives who fell on platforms while boarding trains. “Railway protection team is active and did a commendable work,” he concluded.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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