The Pune City Police have launched a murder investigation after an unidentified elderly woman’s headless body with her limbs severed was found on the banks of the Mula-Mutha riverbed in the Kharadi area. The police believe that the body was carried downstream by the river, which has significantly expanded the area under their probe into the case.
Speaking to The Free Press Journal, Amitesh Kumar, Pune Police Commissioner, said, “Our team has been searching the surroundings where the body was found using drone cameras. Maybe some body parts could be found. Technical analysis of installed CCTV cameras in the parallel areas is going on. Also, the dumping points are under search. Moreover, a team of professional divers has been deployed in the river to locate other parts of the body. Probably within two days, the search operation will be completed and we will reach some conclusion.”
The police control room received a call about the body on the riverbed in the Kharadi area around 11am on Monday.
As per preliminary probe, the woman was decapitated, and her hands and legs had been severed from the shoulders and hip joints with a sharp object.
The body was sent for post-mortem, and a case was registered under sections 103 (murder) and 238 (causing the disappearance of evidence) of the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita with Chandannagar Police Station.
Initial findings point to the age of the woman being above 50.