Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Shahdara candidate Jitendra Singh Shanti has promised to work on many unique schemes for women and children after his victory in the Delhi Assembly elections. Shanty, who became famous as the ‘ambulance man’ for his service work during the COVID-19 pandemic, talked about giving priority to the safety and convenience of women in the area.

Special facilities for women

Shanti said that if he is elected MLA, he will take steps to make the lifestyle of women simple and safe. His plans mainly include the following:

  • Launch of ‘Pink Ambulance’:

    Shanti said he would start a ‘Pink Ambulance’ service for women in the area. This ambulance will be completely dedicated to women, whose driver will also be a woman. The service aims to provide quick and safe assistance to women in emergency situations.

  • Hostels for working women:

    She promised to build affordable and safe hostels for working women and single mothers in the area.

  • Creche for children:

    Shanti said that working women and single mothers need crèches for their children. They have planned to set up proper and accessible crèches for such children.

Priority to women’s safety

Shanti has taken formal steps to ensure the safety of women. Quick Response Team (QRT) Also emphasized on the plan to establish. This team will provide immediate assistance in cases of harassment, domestic violence, and other emergencies.

Formation of disaster management team

To deal with the emergency situation in the narrow and crowded streets of Shahdara, a shanty disaster management team It is planned to form. He said that narrow streets make it difficult for ambulances and fire engines to enter, which can worsen the situation during accidents. This special team will work effectively in such cases.

Shanti’s election struggle

Jitendra Singh Shanti is contesting from Shahdara against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Sanjay Goyal and Congress candidate Jagat Singh. In this contest, Shanti has made her service work and commitment to social welfare the main basis of her campaign.

Emphasis on challenges of women professionals

Shanti resolved to focus specifically on the needs and challenges of women. He said:

“Women professionals coming from outside need safe and affordable accommodation in Shahdara. Single mothers need crèche facilities to take care of their children so that they can go to work without any worries. I am committed to meeting all these needs.”

Commitment to social welfare

Shanti said that if he is elected as MLA, he will leave no stone unturned in fulfilling his responsibilities towards social welfare. He said:

“Making the lives of working women, single mothers, and female professionals better and safer will be my priority. Serving the people of Shahdara is most important for me.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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