The problem of urine leakage is common in women, due to which they have to run again and again to pass urine. To solve this problem, it is advised to exercise the pelvic floor muscles, which strengthens the bladder muscles. Additionally, there are some acupuncture points that can help in reducing urine leaking and urinary urgency.
Useful acupuncture points for bladder health
A special acupuncture point is located in the middle of the palm, just above the wrist. To identify it, bring the middle finger straight down to the palm, leaving one finger spot on the wrist. This is the bladder point in the middle of the palm. By applying pressure on this point, the ability to hold urine increases.
Method of massaging acupuncture points
- massage rules: Massage this point ten times daily.
- apply pressure: Press the pressure point and massage lightly.
- Time: Apply pressure on this point for five to ten seconds.
- Frequently: Apply pressure on this point at least ten times a day.
Reduction in urinary problems
By massaging this pressure point for about one to two months, women get relief from the problem of urine leakage during coughing, sneezing, or running. Along with this, urine urgency also reduces. This remedy can also be beneficial for those who suffer from the problem of bed-wetting. With the pressure point of this palm, the bladder can be strengthened, thereby increasing the ability to hold urine.
The problem of urine leakage is common in women, due to which they have to run again and again to pass urine. To solve this problem, it is advised to exercise the pelvic floor muscles, which strengthens the bladder muscles. Additionally, there are some acupuncture points that can help in reducing urine leaking and urinary urgency.
Useful acupuncture points for bladder health
A special acupuncture point is located in the middle of the palm, just above the wrist. To identify it, bring the middle finger straight down to the palm, leaving one finger spot on the wrist. This is the bladder point in the middle of the palm. By applying pressure on this point, the ability to hold urine increases.
Method of massaging acupuncture points
- massage rules: Massage this point ten times daily.
- apply pressure: Press the pressure point and massage lightly.
- Time: Apply pressure on this point for five to ten seconds.
- Frequently: Apply pressure on this point at least ten times a day.
Reduction in urinary problems
By massaging this pressure point for about one to two months, women get relief from the problem of urine leakage during coughing, sneezing, or running. Along with this, urine urgency also reduces. This remedy can also be beneficial for those who suffer from the problem of bed-wetting. With the pressure point of this palm, the bladder can be strengthened, thereby increasing the ability to hold urine.