Global icon Priyanka Chopra has always been known for her brilliant acting and powerful personality. But recently he shared a shocking thing related to his health. In an interview, Priyanka revealed that after a disturbance in nose surgery, she faced serious problems like asthma and depression.

Especially during the Kovid-19 epidemic, when the situation became even more challenging for people suffering from asthma, their concern increased manifold. Priyanka told that this was the most difficult period of her life and it took her a long time to overcome it. Recalling his health struggle, he said that this was an experience that had a profound impact on his life.

This story of Priyanka Chopra makes us realize that mental and physical health should never be ignored. This disclosure not only reflects their strength, but also proves that it is very important to be cautious about health.

Asthma: A severe respiratory disease

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease, in which swelling and contraction occurs in the windpipe (airway). This condition can cause difficulty in breathing. Symptoms of asthma include:

Persistent cough
Night or morning

This problem may increase even more due to cold weather, pollution and allergic triggers. It can affect not only adults but also young children. Therefore, it is very important to take proper treatment and precautions on time.

Potential threats of asthma

According to health experts, taking asthma lightly can be dangerous. If it is not treated properly, it can take a serious form.

Lack of oxygen – Severe attack of asthma affects the lungs, so that the body does not get enough oxygen.
Bronchial tubes obstruction – Asthma can accumulate inflammation and mucus in the airway, which makes it difficult to breathe.
Increased pollution and poor lifestyle – dust, smoke, chemicals and allergic elements can trigger asthma.
Threat of asthma attack – In severe cases, asthma attack without correct care can also be fatal.

Therefore, if you have trouble breathing again and again, do not ignore it and consult a doctor immediately.

Easy ways to avoid asthma and control it

1. Avoid dust and pollution

The dust, smoke, fungus and animal hair present in the environment can trigger asthma. If you are suffering from asthma, keep these things in mind:

Early symptoms of diabetes: Do not ignore signs seen on hands and feet

Wear a mask while going out.
Try to keep the house dust and allergy free.
Use air purifiers, especially if you live in the city.
Clean the carpet and soft toys regularly, as they may accumulate dust.

2. Be cautious with viral infection

Viral infections such as cold and flu can be more dangerous for asthma patients. Cold air, moisture and sudden change in weather can increase asthma attack.

To avoid this:

Cover yourself with warm clothes during the winter season.
Go minimal in congested areas to avoid infection.
Keep your immunity strong, so that the effect of infection is reduced.

3. Follow healthy lifestyle

According to doctors, lifestyle changes are very important to control asthma.

Do regular exercise – Light exercise and yoga increases the capacity of the lungs.
Take a balanced diet – Include healthy food, green vegetables and protein -rich things.
Practice breathing techniques – Yoga, pranayama and deep breathing exercises can be beneficial.
Avoid smoking and alcohol – These things can weaken the lungs, which can increase asthma problem.
Get regular check-up-keep checking the lungs from time to time, so that any problem can be caught in advance.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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