Global star actress Priyanka Chopra is returning to Indian cinema after Hollywood. Priyanka has signed an Indian film after a long wait of almost nine years. His introduction SS, the great director of the South, Rajamouli’s upcoming film ‘SSMB 29’ is cast. In this film, Priyanka will be seen opposite Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu. But in the meantime, some such reports are coming, after listening to anyone, it is almost impossible to believe. It is believed that Priyanka is getting a hefty fee for working in this film.


Did Priyanka get 30 crores?

Priyanka is being given a fee of Rs 30 crore for the film ‘SSMB 29’. Which is many times more than the film fees of any Indian actress. Earlier, Deepika Padukone had charged Rs 13 crore for the film ‘Padmavat’. Which was considered the highest fee for any female actress at that time. Whereas male actors Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, who worked in the film, received Rs 10-10 crore. After Deepika, Priyanka is now charging the most fees, due to which she has topped the list of highest -grossing actresses. Priyanka Chopra is charging 30 crores for Rajamouli’s film, became the highest fee actress! Priyanka has now increased fan at the international level as well. He has worked in many Hollywood projects which have proved to be superhit. Now his entry in Rajamouli’s film has also increased the film’s level internationally. Talking about the film ‘SSMB 29’, in this film, Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra will also feature South actor Prithviraj Sukumaran. The shooting of the film will begin in April and will be released in 2027.

‘We have never received the same fees in Bollywood’

In an old interview, Priyanka had said that she never got the amount of money as her male co-stars in Bollywood. He acted in 60 films for about 22 years, but he was always paid less than his male co-stars. The actress said that she was never paid equal in Bollywood. I always used to get 10% of my male co-star fees. The difference of earning money in Bollywood is very big. And many actresses have to face all this. If I now work with a male co-star in Bollywood, I will also have to face it. The female artists of my time tried to ensure that we would get the same money. We asked for this but they never gave us.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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