Talks of marriage between Aligarh cricketer Rinku Singh and Machhilishahr (Jaunpur) MP Priya Saroj are in full swing. However, MP Priya Saroj’s father, former MP Toofani Saroj, has put an end to these speculations and said that the engagement has not happened yet, only talks are going on.

Priya Saroj, who has become the country’s youngest MP at the age of 25, had recently said in an interview that she wants to enjoy her personal life and has not taken any decision about marriage yet.

Rinku Singh, who is the star batsman of the Indian cricket team, has recently performed brilliantly in the T20 series against England. The news of their engagement is going viral on social media, but there is no official confirmation on it yet.

Meanwhile, talks are ongoing between Rinku Singh and Priya Saroj’s families, but the engagement or wedding date has not been announced yet.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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