Mumbai: The wife and husband combination of Marianne and Sandeep Karmarkar, of Mumbai emerged supreme in the Mixed Pairs finals of the Prime Securities sponsored Prime-Bridge Championships 2024.

The Karmarkar pair finished on a brilliant note as they registering a high 1431 match points at the Bombay Gymkhana.

 In second place, was another real-life partnership, of Himani and Rajeev Khandelwal.  The Mumbai-based Khandelwal pairing put up quite an impressive performance and finished with a score 1388 match points and claimed second place.

 Following close on their heels was the Ahmedabad duo of Nina Shah and Kaustubh Deodhar who had to settle for the third spot.

 In the Strata Pairs competition held for the non-qualifiers Deepika Mehta and Ravi Kaul were victorious while Alka Kshirsagar and Ivan Alphonso finished as runners-up.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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