Chitrakoot, 28 November (HS). Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reviewed the development works, law and order and other major schemes in the Collectorate Auditorium of the district during his one-day visit to Chitrakoot on Thursday. In the meeting, CM Yogi discussed in detail the status of MNREGA, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural and Urban), National Rural Livelihood Mission, Jal Jeevan Mission, Animal Husbandry, Medical and Health Services, Tourism Development, Industrial Corridor, Link Expressway and other projects. The Chief Minister directed the officials to complete all the schemes in a time bound manner and with high quality. At the same time, he gave instructions to make special preparations for Mahakumbh. He also gave instructions regarding cleanliness and beautification of monasteries and temples. Before this, the Chief Minister also planted a sandalwood sapling in the Collectorate premises.

Emphasis on adopting a policy of zero tolerance towards crime and corruption

The Chief Minister stressed on adopting a policy of zero tolerance towards crime and corruption. Said that crime should be completely curbed. Such anarchists, who are likely to create fear in the society, should be identified and sent to jail. Our resolution is to establish a society free from fear and terror among criminals. He said that effective action should be taken against the professionals who are involved in animal, forest, mining and land mafia. Additional police force should be deployed to ensure proper traffic situation.

Instructions given regarding Mahakumbh

The Chief Minister said that Maha Kumbh is being organized in Prayagraj from 13 January 2025 to 26 February 2025. Many devotees will also come to religious city Chitrakoot. They should get good security and the devotees should leave with a good impression about the district, so all the officials should work on this. Preparations for Maha Kumbh are going on, police administration is working for the traffic, no incident should happen. The work of cleanliness and beautification of religious places should be ensured. There should not be any inconvenience to the saints of the monasteries and temples and for the saints above 70 years of age living in the ashrams, the Chief Medical Officer should run a campaign and get Ayushman cards made.

Compensation amount should be provided immediately

He told the District Magistrate that the land to be acquired for Bundelkhand Link Expressway, Defense Corridor, Ram Vanagaman Marg, Industrial Corridor project should be completed immediately and correspondence should be made with UPSIDA for the compensation amount which has not been received yet. And a copy of it should also be sent to the Chief Minister’s Office. The Chief Minister said that in the Chitrakoot area where the Link Expressway is connecting, a land map should be made for proposing hotels etc. for investment. Electricity supply should be correct and no consumer should be sent a bill with wrong reading. There should be no problem of electricity in the district.

All children should get uniform, socks, shoes and sweater on time.

The Chief Minister told the District Basic Education Officer that under Operation Kaya Kalp, there should be provision of toilets in all the schools. Told the District Magistrate that the responsibility should be given to the Principal and teachers to ensure that all the children get uniforms, socks, shoes and sweaters within the time limit. Told the District School Inspector to prepare a report on the works of school buildings which are incomplete and submit them through the District Magistrate as to why a revised estimate has been made by the concerned executing agencies, so that action can be taken against them.

At all costs, the repair work of broken roads should be completed by January 2025.

He told the District Magistrate on the Har Ghar Nal Yojana under the Jal Jeevan Mission that a plumber must be deployed in every Gram Panchayat for operation. Under Jal Jeevan Mission, the remaining roads which have been demolished should be repaired, this work should be completed in every case by January 2025. While reviewing the Animal Husbandry Department, CM Yogi instructed the Chief Veterinary Officer that instead of feeding dry straw to the cows, arrangements should be made for green fodder and bran, there should not be any balance in the payment of any Gram Panchayat. Cow sheds should be inspected regularly. There should be measures to protect cows from cold.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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