There is good news for the passengers who have been waiting for the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train for a long time. The trial run of this new sleeper train between Ahmedabad and Mumbai Central Terminus was successfully completed on Wednesday afternoon. According to Western Railway officials, the train achieved a maximum speed of 130 km/hr during the trials. After the successful completion of the trial run, the dream of running Vande Bharat Sleeper train on this route will now come true.

According to the Indian Express report, during the trial run, the train reached Mumbai Central at around 1:50 pm and left for Ahmedabad at 2:45 pm. However, this train arrived about 1.10 hours late than the scheduled time of 12:40. Officials described the delay as “unavoidable” reasons.

The success of the trial run will now help in the process of obtaining certification from the Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS). Western Railways is already running two Vande Bharat trains from Mumbai between Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad.

The new Vande Bharat Sleeper train is specially designed for long distance journeys. It will have 16 coaches, which include 11 AC 3-tier, 4 AC 2-tier, and 1 First AC coach. In this train, special facilities have been provided not only for general passengers but also for visually impaired passengers. Soon this train can also start operating on the Delhi-Mumbai route. This train will make long distance travel even easier for passengers to travel comfortably.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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