In a tragic series of incidents in Uttar Pradesh’s Kannauj, a police van rushing to a railway accident site caused a fatal crash that killed a woman and seriously injured two others. A CCTV footage of the incident has surfaced online showing the fatal crash.
The incident occurred around 3 PM on Saturday when a police van lost control near the Police Line turn and struck a motorcycle before crashing into a petrol pump owned by SP leader Sanju Samvedi. The police driver fled the scene immediately after the accident.
The motorcycle riders – Kasim from Bakhs Purwa village, his wife Firoza Begum (48), and his sister Tarannum – were seriously injured. Locals rushed them to the district hospital, where doctors declared Firoza Begum dead on arrival. The other two victims are currently undergoing treatment.
According to reports, Kasim was returning home with his wife and sister after visiting a hospital at Pal Chauraha when the accident occurred.
In a separate incident on the same day, Chandar Rathore from Sultanpur village in Kamalganj, Farrukhabad, died when a speeding car hit his motorcycle near Udhranpur village on Farrukhabad Road. The accident occurred when Rathore was returning from visiting relatives in Chhibramau.
Police have taken custody of both bodies for post-mortem examination. While an investigation has been launched to locate the fleeing police driver from the first incident, authorities are also investigating the circumstances of the second accident.