Indian captain Rohit Sharma was seen playing in domestic cricket after a long time, but his bat remained silent in the first match. Rohit could score just 3 off 19 balls in the first innings while playing against Jammu and Kashmir for Mumbai. However, he made an aggressive start in the second innings, but was dismissed on a score of 28 runs. Rohit has been struggling in the red ball format over the last few months, and he scored only 33 runs in three matches during the Border Gavaskar Trophy. Due to their poor form, many memes are being formed on social media, and some users believe that they are using PR to hide their bad form.

After scoring a half -century, Rohit Sharma made a lot of struggle to score runs. This can be gauged from the fact that he scored 0, 8, 18, 11, 3, 6, 3 and 9 against New Zealand and Australia. He also got a life of life in the second innings against Jammu and Kashmir, when Nazir could not catch his catch on his own ball. After this, Rohit hit a six and a four over the square leg in the next over.

However, Rohit could not retain his aggression for a long time and caught Abid Mushtaq on the mid -wicket off Nazir’s ball. He hit 3 sixes and 2 fours in his innings.

On Rohit’s poor form, a user wrote, “Rohit Sharma is using PR against Gautam Gambhir to save his career.” Another user also wrote that Rohit has retired from Gal (Gate) format. In the second innings, Rohit hit 3 sixes and shared a 54 -run partnership with his Test partner Yashasvi Jaiswal for the first wicket. He scored 28 runs in 35 balls with the help of 2 fours and 3 sixes, but was dismissed soon.

Yashasvi Jaiswal, the only Indian batsman to score against New Zealand and Australia, scored 4 and 26 runs in both innings of this Ranji match.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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