Curd It is beneficial for health in every way. Not only by eating it, but also on the skin has many benefits. Some people buy and eat yogurt from the market, while others like to make curd at home. Even the curd found in the market can be adulterated. Apart from this, it is also expensive. Many times you do not even know whether yogurt is fresh or stale. This is the reason that most people like to make yogurt at home. But in summer, yogurt quickly becomes sour. So today let’s know how to prevent yogurt from being sour for a long time in summer.

Use fresh milk to make yogurt.

Use fresh milk if possible while making yogurt. So that the curd does not become sour. In such a situation, even if you use stale milk for a day instead of fresh milk, curd will still be frozen.

How to make markets like market?

To make sweets like yogurt available in the market, first boil the milk thoroughly. After this, let it cool down. When the milk gets slightly cooled, add merging it to it. Always keep in mind one thing that the milk temperature should be correct for yogurt. Merwan is not mixed with very cold milk. In addition, if the curd is added to very hot milk, the milk will soon burst and become sour.

This mistake also makes the curd sour.

Most women use yogurt present in the house to thicken yogurt. But you should keep one thing in mind. If the sweet substance you have added to milk is already sour, then the taste of curd will also be sour. Therefore, make sure that the sweetener mixed with milk is also fresh.


Do not keep yogurt out in summer.

In summer, you should keep some things in mind to protect the curd from being sour. As soon as your curd is ready, keep it in freeze immediately. By doing this you will be able to store it for a long time. With this, the possibility of its sour sourness will also be reduced. Yogurt usually takes 6 to 8 hours. When your curd freezes, keep it in the fridge.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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