Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A heartwarming scene was witnessed at Khajrana police station on Thursday late evening when a poor woman, along with her family, reached the police station with drums, sweets and garlands to thank the cops for recovering her son’s stolen bike.
The teary-eyed woman Parveen offered sweets and garlands to TI Manoj Sendhav and other police officials while expressing appreciation for finding her son’s hard-earned bike after two months of intense search.
Khajrana police station in-charge Manoj Sendhav said that Imran’s bike was parked outside their house on October 10 when it was stolen.
Following this, he, along with his mother Parveen, reached Khajrana police station to register a theft complaint.
The woman and her son are very poor and are engaged as labourers and had worked very hard to purchase the bike. After a lot of search, the police caught a vehicle theft gang in Sehore from whom Imran’s bike was recovered in December.
The police then called at Imran’s house and informed them that their bike had been recovered and got their vehicle through the court.