Bollywood Actress Poonam Dhillon Robbed: A shocking incident of theft has come to light from the house of veteran Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon. According to reports, a diamond necklace worth Rs 1 lakh, Rs 35,000 in cash and some US dollars were stolen from her house in Mumbai. The surprising thing is that the thief turned out to be not an outsider but an artisan doing painting work at their house.

Mumbai Police took immediate action and arrested the accused.

theft in the name of painting

  • This incident happened in Poonam Dhillon’s house in Khar.
  • This person named Sameer Ansari, who was part of the painting crew, was doing painting work at home.
  • Between December 28 and January 5, he found the cupboard open and made away with the valuables.
  • After the theft, Ansari spent ₹9,000 of the stolen money and threw a party for his associates.

What was stolen?

  • Diamond Necklace: The price of which is said to be more than ₹1 lakh.
  • Cash: ₹35,000.
  • US Dollar: Approximately $500 (₹42,923).

How was the accused caught?

  • Poonam Dhillon’s mother and her son Anmol returned home on January 5 and found the items missing.
  • Upon discovering the theft, Poonam’s manager immediately lodged a police complaint.
  • During the investigation, the police interrogated the painting crew.
  • Accused Sameer Ansari confessed to the crime.

Poonam Dhillon’s reaction

Poonam Dhillon usually lives in Juhu, but she often spends time at her son Anmol’s house in Khar. He and his family are shocked by the theft incident.

Poonam Dhillon on work front

Poonam Dhillon was recently seen in the Bollywood film ‘Jai Mummy Di’. Apart from this, she was also seen in Disney+ Hotstar’s web series ‘Dil Bekarar’ (2021).

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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