Malappuramb(Kerala): Kerala Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar on Saturday got irked by a banner against Savarkar at Calicut University here and said that such “politicisation of educational institutions” should not be tolerated.

Arlekar, who arrived at the university for a Senate meeting, also told the Vice Chancellor that he should take care of “all such things”.

“This politicisation of the educational system, educational institution, should not be tolerated,” the Governor, who is also the Chancellor of universities in the state, said.

Arlekar said that he saw a banner that said ‘We need a Chancellor and not a Savarkar’ and asked, “I don’t know what thinking is this? What sort of thinking is this? Was Savarkar an enemy of this country?”

“What we need, we do not understand. The Chancellor is here with you, you do now whatever you want to do with the Chancellor. But, what bad thing Savarkar has done?

“If you go through his educational thinking, you will understand what he has given to this society. He has never thought of his own affairs, his house, his family… never. He always thought of others and always tried to give something to others,” he said.

He further said that he was not intending to talk about Savarkar at the meeting, but the banner “compelled” him to do so.

The banner was reportedly put up sometime back by the Students Federation of India (SFI).

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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