A Mumbai police force cop was injured when some persons, allegedly associated with the Irani gang, hurled stones at a team of security personnel in Maharashtra’s Thane district, an official said on Thursday.

The incident took place on Wednesday night in Ambivli are where a team from the Andheri police station in Mumbai had gone to apprehend a suspect involved in a criminal case, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone III-Kalyan, Atul Zende, said.

Four persons have been detained in connection with the incident, he said.

As the police team arrived, some persons, believed to be affiliated with the Irani gang, started throwing stones at the security personnel. During the attack, a policeman suffered injuries, the official said, without disclosing his identity.

The police detained four persons involved in the attack, he added.

Members of the Irani gang have been involved in several criminal incidents, mostly of chain-snatching.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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