Saif Ali Khan attack case update: Police is interrogating Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, accused of attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Mumbai Police reached Saif Ali Khan’s house with the accused. Where the incident of the day of the attack was recreated. Meanwhile, Mumbai Police has recovered 19 fingerprints of Shariful from the crime scene. At present the police is investigating these finger prints. After gathering all the information for about an hour, the police left Saif’s house with the accused.
19 fingerprints found at the scene
Police found fingerprint evidence from the bathroom window of Saif’s house, the dusty area, the stairs, Agassi and the bathroom, as well as the stairs that Shariful used to enter and exit Saif’s house. Considering these 19 fingerprints as important evidence in this case, the police has conducted further investigation.
Mumbai Police checked the fingerprints with state and national databases, but found no match. A police officer involved in the investigation said, ‘We should have thought that the robber could be a foreigner and also a Bangladeshi citizen. Because, a large number of people enter illegally from there.
attack on saif ali khan
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife late Thursday (January 16) night. There was a scuffle between the two, in which Shariful, who had entered the house with the intention of stealing, attacked the actor. Injured Saif is still admitted in the hospital. According to the doctor, the actor’s health is recovering rapidly and now he has been advised bed rest. However, the entire Bollywood world is shocked by the attack on Saif Ali Khan. Mumbai Police arrested the attacker from the police station.
How did Shariful enter the house?
On the day of the incident, the accused reached the seventh floor of Shariful Saif’s building by stairs. Where Saif Ali Khan lives with his family. The accused entered the duct area and reached the bar floor with the help of a pipe. Later he entered the bathroom of Saif and Kareena’s younger son Jahangir’s room. Coming out, they caught Jeh’s grandmother Amiriya Phillips. There was an argument between the two and during this he demanded Rs 1 crore from his grandmother. However, Saif arrives there after hearing the screams of his grandmother Amiriya Phillips and confronts Shariful.
stole to return to bangladesh
Investigation revealed that Shariful wanted to make an Indian identity card. For which he thought of earning money by stealing. But, later he changed his plan. When he worked in a dance bar and saw money pouring in, Shariful thought he would earn as much money as possible and go back to Bangladesh. He targeted Bandra area for theft. Shroful had gone to Saif Ali Khan’s house with the intention of stealing, although he did not know that he had stolen from a celebrity’s house.