Ghaziabad, September 3 (HS). An incident that brought shame to the National Highway Police took place on the National Highway in Ghaziabad’s Vijaynagar area. After this, there was a stir in the police. On Tuesday, a person in police uniform was found unconscious in a drunken state in a car on the National Highway. Along with this, a woman was also found in a semi-nude state in the back seat of the car. When a private person started making a video of this, this woman fell unconscious on the road. After which a crowd gathered there. People also hooted at this drunk person. Someone made it viral on social media. After this, seeing the car, a large number of people gathered on the National Highway.
On receiving the information, the police reached the spot but by then the uniformed youth had left from there. The police is searching for him on the basis of the car number. In this regard, DCP Rajesh Kumar issued a statement and said that a video has come to notice through social media. In the video, a car is parked on the side of the road. A uniformed man sitting in that car seems to be unconscious and in a state of intoxication. There is also a woman near the car. She is also unconscious and in a state of intoxication. This video has been made by a common man. On the basis of the vehicle number displayed in this video, the search for the said vehicle and other necessary action is being ensured by Vijayanagar Police Station.